04 June 2023

Yes, development can be limited - Weekly Wrap-Up - 4 June 2023

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National news, local relevance. Tension between development and community need appeared in national headlines this week. 
Debt crisis averted. Biden signed the debt limit bill, avoiding U.S. default. (Reuters)

Lower power bills. Keys Energy Services’ (KEYS) said that customers will see a decrease in their June energy bills, as a result of reductions in natural gas costs. (Citizen, $)

New format. The first City Commission meeting format begins on Thursday 8 June. Proclamations, presentations, and consent agenda in the morning, with discussion items and other public hearing items in the afternoon.  

Arelene. Hurricane season began Thursday with the first named storm. (USA Today)

Pride month.
Our voices.

Our Eyes

Untitled, Cudjoe Key - Lynne Bentley-Kemp

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